Friday 28 April 2017

How To Dry A Car With A Battery Operated Leaf Blower

Can you believe it! A battery operated leaf blower can do this!

Is it time for the chamois to be binned?  I think so!

We all know how annoying cleaning a car can but drying it also, Grrrrrr.

If your lazy (sorry) then this will be right up your street!

You just need to get the kids to wash the car first and you can do the fun bit!

Thursday 27 April 2017

Using A Battery Operated Leaf Blower - A Guide To A Safer More Courteous Use

The Delivery man arrives, you hear the doorbell..Ding Dong!

You quickly do a 'Dad run' to the door, you sign the paperwork, kick the door behind you and rush to the kitchen table.